Game of Thrones in Brief

In season 5 Daenerys Targaryen calls the intense group of Westeros; talked on a wheel spinning into and out of power through war, alliance and betrayal.  Daenerys supposes she is going to break the wheel yet she hasn’t done much to get it going and is going to take a lot.

Here is a background marked by effective family by family from the earliest starting point of Game of Thrones to so far. When the series open the House Baratheon led by King Robert is unquestionably the most powerful family in the Westeros with the nearby associate House Stark, overwhelming the rich Lannisters and Tyrell. Exile Targaryen; meanwhile compelled to buy power by marrying into pneumatic Dothraki clan. But House Baratheon grip is not much stronger than Robert grip on hunting cross-bow. In the wake of King’s death Queen Cersei and successor King Joffrey in the name of Baratheon spell the power void executing Ned Stark and sending his family tremendously down in the power ranking at the end of first season.

Be that as it may, not for long, in season two Ned’s son Robb ally with his mother’s family, House Tully and wins victory in battle over Lannister managing to improve his family standing. Just to discover lead; Stannis Baratheon kills his brother Renly with spooky shadow and Renly allies Tyrell align themselves to with Lannisters; taking both the families to the top of power ranking, in sending two Baratheon tumbling at the end of second season.

Season three finds the Stark slipping too with Robb angering his allies in House Frey for breaking his marriage contract. While Stannis attempts to claw his way back to the top. But Robb and Catelyn stark’s death in red wedding eliminates the House Stark from contention for the iron throne. While Daenerys acquisition of an army of skilled unsullied warriors; suddenly make her force to be reckoned with, even a continental way.

In season four there is new family in town literally. Oberyn Martell, sibling of Prince Doran of Drone shows up in Kings Landing for Joffrey’s wedding to Margaery Tyrell; reminding everyone, there is entire kingdom to the south that the Lannisters can’t overlook. Only may the Lannisters are not the force to be reckoned. Joffrey’s sudden death by poisoning puts the House Tyrell above the cruel House Lannisters for the first time in the series. While Daenery conquers Meereen; push her above the Stannis. But conquering is easier then rulling. And unexpected resistant weakens Daenerys . Devos secures alone he could save his campaign. Furthermore, Oberyn gets his head smashed by Greger Clegange reminding everyone who true power is in King’s Landing. But if you want to hold a power you can’t get murdered. With the Tywin Lannister death at the hands of his son Tyrion Lannister puts the Margaery Tyrell back on top in King’s Landing. While Stannis sudden rescue of the Nights Watch puts him in best position since he nearly took the capital.

As season five opens, Daenerys decision to marry Hizdahr Zalarag solidifies her power base. Back in Westeros; Cersei’s grip slips considerably further and a new power arises; the religious phonetic known as Sparrow. Allying herself with Sparrow; she manages to catapult her family on top, eliminating the Tyrell but giving on hand up to the dangerous exult. House Bolton whose force marriage to House Stark gives new authority against Stannis even it is against Sansa’s will. On the other hand allying with the extremist tends to backfire and Cersi sudden imprisonment undertaking with the knowledge of Margaery’s grandmother Olenna Tyrell renders Lannisters essentially powerless in King’s Landing and puts the High Sparrow incharge. Meanwhile at north Ramsay Bolton savatize; puts House Bolton had a distinct advantage for the upcoming attack from House Baratheon. Furthermore, a surprise attack in a Meeren choose Daenerys to be weak; not as weak as Stannis though, who has lost in battle and presumed death. And the return of Cersei lannister; freed from prison in time of arrival of uncle Cavin to attempt to hold her in power in King’s landing.

In season six so far; Bran is at long last back. Hound joined up with a seemingly peaceful cult. John Snow, Sansa and Davos conspiring on their own, endeavoring to unite North. 

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